Rice Kit



Rice Kit

This combo contains 5 products and is sufficient for one time application for 1 Acre.


Helps in breaking seed dormancy & gives early vigour.

Dosage : 3 ml / gm per kg of seed for seed treatment or can be sprayed if planting already done.



Biosil helps in boosting tillering process especially in paddy crop, sugarcane & vegetable crops. It helps in growth & nutrition availability & also helps mobilise zinc & silica.

Dosage :2.5-3 ml/Ltr of water.

Method :Foliar spray, covering upper and ground facing surfaces



Proban is a consortium of microbes & their metabolites alongwith herbal extracts, that have dual effect of anti feedant and control action. This product prevents sucking of sap from plants and controls the newer generation of sucking pests. This product has a strong obnoxious smell.

Dosage: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr of water.

Method: Foliar Spray.



Larvecon is a 100% organic product made to control the larvae that eat leaves, bores holes on fruits, pods, vegetables etc. It also controls leaf miner larvae.

Dosage: 2.5-3 gm/ml per 1 ltr of water.

Method: Foliar Spray, covering all surfaces. It is strongly suggested to add spreader/sticker.



Mycicon is a fungal infection controlling product. This product controls diseases like powdery, downy mildews, fungal blight.

Dosage: 2.5-3 ml per 1 ltr of water.

Method: Foliar spray.


For bulk orders, kindly contact us on 8149100781 / 9860327778

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